Political Science Department
The department of Political Science was founded in 1996. It offers Undergraduate (B.A.) and Post graduate (M.A.) programme. It started offering M.A. programme from the year 2015. It aims to strengthen the basic foundation of political science with courses like political theory, political thought, contemporary political philosophy, comparative politics, international relations, public administration. It also offers optional courses like Environmentalism, Local Self Government, Human Rights, and Research Methodology. It has formed a Departmental Council which comprises of both students and teachers, to conduct various events like student parliament, competitions like quiz, poster making, speech etc. At present Political Science department has largest number of students in the college. There are 171 students at Undergraduate level and 54 students at Post Graduate level. The department comprises of three teachers who are dedicated to the process of teaching-learning and also to motivate students to learn the importance of higher education.
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Qualification | Contact No | Email Id |
1 | Dr. Yogesh Singh Rana | Assistant Professor | M.A. ph.D. , USET | 6395708150 | dryogeshsinghranastg@gmail.com |
2 | Ms. Manisha | Assistant Professor | M.A. NET | 9555765898 | asstprofmanisha@gmail.com |
3 | Mr. Ajay Giri | Assistant Professor | M.A. NET | 7906880751 | ajaygiri124@gmail.com |